General Information
Working With Children –
Clients aged 17yrs and under must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian during the entire treatment. The parent or legal guardian must provide written consent for the treatment by filling out and signing the client intake form on the Minor’s behalf.
Medical Conditions –
It is the responsibility of the client to keep Resonate Massage & Wellbeing informed of any medical conditions or treatment currently being undertaken. In certain circumstances written permission from your GP or specialist may be required prior to massage being performed. It is important that you advise us of any changes in the status of your health.
Inappropriate Requests –
Resonate Massage & Wellbeing is a professional clinic offering relaxation and remedial therapies, any requests for sexual services will not be acknowledged or tolerated. Sexual interaction or discussion of any kind during the treatment is NEVER appropriate. If any inappropriate actions are made, the treatment will cease immediately and the client will be asked to leave. Full payment of the booking will still be required.